Poll now closed
Jan. 16 was also the deadline to postmark paper ballots. As eligible votes might have just been sent and therefore will not arrive at our Gambier post office box for a few days, the Interim Board has decided to wait until next Wednesday, Jan. 23, to finalize the vote count. Winners will then be notified, and election results will be posted here.
If, by chance, there is a tie for Board representative, a run-off election will be held. Details on that will be posted if it becomes necessary.
Under our charter, the new Board must assume office within 30 days of the ballot-postmark deadline. Therefore, unless a run-off becomes necessary, the new Board will take charge no later than Feb. 16.
As I was unopposed for treasurer and, as treasurer, cannot run for Board chair (the election of which will be the first action of the new Board, as mandated by our charter), the Interim Board has approved me to help guide the transition to the new Board. So if anyone has any questions, I'll be happy to try and answer them!
- Robbie Ketcham '04